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Discover the magic of embroidery and printingwith J.KINnovations!

High-quality customization, unlimited creativity and exceptional service.

J.KINnovations adapts to customer needs with accessible hours, retail, wholesale and last minute orders.
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Process of converting a design into a special format for embroideries and prints. 

To facilitate our clients' work, we offer the service to convert it into the necessary format. 

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About J.KINnovations

Focused on our clients

We offer our clients a variety of options to personalize the image of their business, institution or personal gift for special occasions through the art of embroidery and stamping with bilingual service and personalized attention.


Embroidery and textile printing is one of the techniques of personalization that adds greater value to a garment, raising its quality.

At J.KINnovations we are aware of this and that the logo of your company, institution or group to which they belong is the best way to convey the professionalism and exclusivity of your company by transmitting an image that will be disseminated to a wide sector of the population. with just a glance.

Little ones




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Initial Consultation
15 min Complimentary Session

Are you interested in our services? Do you have questions about the new project you have in mind? Do you want more information about us? We offer an initial consultation to clarify your doubts and start working together on that new project. Contact us to schedule your consultation.

Home: Testimonials


Thank you again. Very happy with the work. The best in the bay area hands down. 

First of all, she is so affectionate, she knows her work perfectly, textile works from printed embroidery and much more. Incredible creativity and design.

Excellent work, fast delivery and good service. 

For inspiration and work
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